“Solar Building Envelopes: Adaptive and Sustainable”

6. Februar 2025

Lecture series Adaptivity as Utopia

Zeit: 6. Februar 2025
Veranstaltungssprache: englisch
Veranstaltungsort: Institut für Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren
Pfaffenwaldring 14
70569  Stuttgart
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We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture by Prof. Roel Loonen from the Eidhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Title: “Solar Building Envelopes: Adaptive and Sustainable”

When: Thursday 06/02/2025 at 6pm

Where: ILEK, Pfaffenwaldring 14, 70569 Stuttgart

After the lecture, we invite you to join us for a small get-together. There will be snacks and drinks while you have the opportunity to talk and socialise with all the participants. This will be a wonderful opportunity to share ideas about the topic and make new connections.

Registration: pr@ilek.uni-stuttgart.de


Solar building envelopes combine essential functions of facades and roofs with opportunities to integrate harvesting of renewable energy. Such solutions not only lead to improvements in indoor environmental quality but can also significantly reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. This lecture will provide an overview of recent projects related to the R&D of solar building envelopes. Focusing on (i) dynamic thermal insulation and (ii) fenestration systems with movable solar shading and bifacial PV, the lecture will showcase how the development of novel simulation approaches and experimental campaigns can lead to practical innovations. The session will conclude with a discussion on the role of solar building envelopes in urban environments.

Short Bio

Roel Loonen is an Associate Professor at the Unit Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. His research and teaching focus on the development and application of modeling and simulation strategies to provide decision support for designing buildings that combine high indoor quality with low or no impact on the environment. Roel collaborates with SMEs in various R&D projects, aspiring to accelerate the process of bringing innovative building envelope technologies and renewable energy systems to the market. Many of his projects deal with the advancement of adaptive facades and building-integrated renewable energy technologies, for example through development, validation and application of new building performance simulation models.

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