Opening of the World's first Adaptive Skyscraper

October 15, 2021

After intensive planning and research work, the world's first adaptive high-rise building was inaugurated on the Vaihingen campus of the University of Stuttgart on Tuesday 5 October 2021 in the presence of Theresia Bauer, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science, Research and Arts.

The opening event for the High-rise Demonstrator

After intensive planning and research work, the world's first adaptive high-rise building was inaugurated on the Vaihingen campus of the University of Stuttgart on Tuesday, 5 October 2021 in the presence of Theresia Bauer, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science, Research and Arts. The 12-storey demonstrator high-rise, which will also be part of the international building exhibition IBA'27, was created as part of the Collaborative Research Centre CRC 2144 "Adaptive Envelopes and Structures for the World of Tomorrow" at the University of Stuttgart. 

The unique feature of the 12-storey, around 37-metre-high building is the integration of active elements into the supporting structure. The resulting interplay of sensors and actuators makes it possible, for example, to compensate for the vibrations in the tower caused by wind forces using an intelligent control concept. This makes it possible to build significantly lighter than would be possible without adaptivity.


  • Welcome by the speakers of the first and second funding period of the SFB 2144, Prof. Werner Sobek and Prof. Oliver Sawodny 
  • Greetings by Theresia Bauer, Minister for Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and Prof. Peter Middendorf, Prorector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Stuttgart
  • Introduction to the project by Prof. Lucio Blandini and Prof. Oliver Sawodny
  • Guided tours of the building and the project exhibits

Video of the opening event of the SFB1244

Video only available in german

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