
Stöbern Sie durch unsere aktuellen Veröffentlichungen im Rahmen des SFB1244

Veröffentlichungen des SFB1244

  1. 2025

    1. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, Kreimeyer M. Integrated fluidic actuators for two-way concrete slabs. Applications in Engineering Science [Internet]. März 2025;21:100208. Verfügbar unter:
  2. 2024

    1. Boeckmann O, Marmullaku D, Schaefer M. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Facade-Integrated Adsorption System for Solar Cooling of Lightweight Buildings. Energies [Internet]. 2024;17(7). Verfügbar unter:
    2. Borschewski D, Prenzel TM, Albrecht S, Leistner P. Analysis and Visualisation of Large Scale Life Cycle Assessment Results: A Case Study on an Adaptive, Multilayer Membrane Façade. Sustainability [Internet]. 2024;16(10). Verfügbar unter:
    3. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, Kreimeyer M. Investigation of Pressure Chambers for Integrated Fluidic Actuators in Adaptive Slabs. Actuators. Januar 2024;13(1).
    4. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, Kreimeyer M. Designing a framework for actuators for adaptive structures. In: Proceedings of the Design Society: International Design Conference - DESIGN 2024 [Internet]. Cambridge University Press; 2024. S. 513–22. (Proceedings of the Design Society: International Design Conference - DESIGN 2024; Bd. 4). Verfügbar unter:
    5. Dakova S, Stiefelmaier J, Zeller A, Arnold P, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Automation Concept for the First Adaptive High-Rise Structure D1244. In: 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). 2024. S. 869–74. (2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)).
    6. Efinger D, Dazer M. Systematic Approach to Reliability and Safety Assessment and Enhancement in Design and Operation of Safe Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. 2024;
    7. Efinger D, Dazer M. Load-Optimized Functional Availability of Safe Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. In: The 4th International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2024) & the 8th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis (ISUMA 2024). 2024. (The 4th International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2024) & the 8th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis (ISUMA 2024)).
    8. Efinger D, Mannone G, Dazer M. Applying Prognostics and Health Management to Optimize Safety and Sustainability at the First Adaptive High-Rise Structure. Society P, Herausgeber. PHM Society European Conference [Internet]. Juni 2024;8(1):12. Verfügbar unter:
    9. Eidner F, Turean A, Leder S, Maierhofer M, Schwinn T, Menges A. Equilibrium Morphologies - Interactive modeling for form-finding of fabric structures. In: Kontovourkis O, Phocas MC, Wurzer G, Herausgeber. Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024). eCAADe; 2024. S. 351–-360. (Kontovourkis O, Phocas MC, Wurzer G, Reihenherausgeber. Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024); Bd. 1).
    10. Gade J, Geiger F, Kemmler R, Bischoff M. A form-finding method for adaptive truss structures subject to multiple static load cases. International Journal of Space Structures [Internet]. Januar 2024; Verfügbar unter:
    11. Krauß LM, Maierhofer M, Prokosch T, Trautwein A, von Scheven M, Menges A, u. a. Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 15 : 04. und 05. März 2024, Hamburg [Internet]. Oesterle B, Bögle A, Weber W, Striefler L, Herausgeber. Institut für Baustatik, Technische Universität Hamburg; 2024. Verfügbar unter:
    12. Nitzlader M, Bosch MJ, Binz H, Kreimeyer M, Blandini L. Kriterien zur Dimensionierung adaptiver Stahlbetonplatten mit integrierten fluidischen Aktoren. In: Baustatik – Baupraxis 15 [Internet]. 2024. (Baustatik – Baupraxis 15). Verfügbar unter:
    13. Nitzlader M, Bosch MJ, Dakova S, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Binz H, u. a. Experimental investigation on adaptive concrete slabs equipped with integrated fluidic actuators. Engineering Structures [Internet]. 2024;310:118129. Verfügbar unter:
    14. Rentz A, Kühl V, Schmidt M, Linder M, Sawodny O, Böhm M. Modeling and Identification of the Dehydration Process in a CaO/Ca(OH)2-based Heat Storage System. In: 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). 2024. S. 1253–9. (2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)).
    15. Senatore G, Wang Y. Topology Optimization of Adaptive Structures: New Limits of Material Economy. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [Internet]. März 2024;422:116710. Verfügbar unter:
    16. Stiefelmaier J, Dakova S, Stein C, Böhm M, Tarín C, Sawodny O. Reconfiguration of an Adaptive Structure’s Control Loop Based on Diagnosed Sensor and Actuator Faults. Journal of Structural Engineering [Internet]. April 2024; Verfügbar unter:
    17. Vierneisel M, Geiger F, Bischoff M, Eberhard P. Derivation of Geometrically Parameterized Shell Elements in the Context of Shape Optimization. In: and, Herausgeber. 2024.
    18. Weber SO, Fang Y, Rüdisser D, Leistner P. LiDICS: a light dynamics interface for multi-domain simulation based on the FMI-standard. Journal of Building Performance Simulation [Internet]. Dezember 2024;1–18. Verfügbar unter:
    19. Zhang P, Sevim S, Leder S, Maierhofer M, Schwinn T, Menges A. Multi-Robotic Maypole Braiding. In: Kontovourkis O, Phocas MC, Wurzer G, Herausgeber. Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024). eCAADe; 2024. S. 137–146. (Kontovourkis O, Phocas MC, Wurzer G, Reihenherausgeber. Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024); Bd. 1).
  3. 2023

    1. Becher M, Groß A, Werner P, Maierhofer M, Reina G, Ertl T, u. a. Multi-attribute Visualization and Improved Depth Perception for the Interactive Analysis of 3D Truss Structures. In: Hoellt T, Aigner W, Wang B, Herausgeber. EuroVis 2023 - Short Papers. The Eurographics Association; 2023. (Hoellt T, Aigner W, Wang B, Reihenherausgeber. EuroVis 2023 - Short Papers).
    2. Blandini L, Eisenbarth C, Haase W, Jeong MY, Voigt M, Roth D, u. a. Adaptive Textile Facade Systems-The Experimental Works at D1244. In: Facade Design - Challenges and Future Perspective Working Title [Internet]. IntechOpen; 2023. (Facade Design - Challenges and Future Perspective Working Title). Verfügbar unter:
    3. Blandini L, Kovaleva D, Haufe CN, Nething C, Nigl D, Nitzlader M, u. a. Leicht bauen mit Beton - ausgewählte Forschungsarbeiten des ILEK - Teil 2: Strukturleichtbau. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau [Internet]. April 2023; Verfügbar unter:
    4. Borschewski D, Albrecht S, Bischoff M, Blandini L, Bosch M, Dazer M, u. a. Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen. Bauphysik [Internet]. April 2023;45(2):107--121. Verfügbar unter:
    5. Borschewski D, Voigt M, Albrecht S, Roth D, Kreimeyer M, Leistner P. Why are adaptive facades not widely used in practice? Identifying ecological and economical benefits with life cycle assessment. Building and Environment. 2023;232(110069).
    7. Bosch M, Nitzlader M, Voigt M, Bachmann M, Roth D, Binz H, u. a. Interdisziplinäre Entwicklung einer adaptiven Geschossdecke als leichtes Tragwerkselement im Bauwesen. In: Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023: Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25 Mai 2023 [Internet]. Fraunhofer IAO; 2023. S. 211–22. (Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023: Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023). Verfügbar unter:
    8. Bosch MJ, Nietzlader M, Voigt MP, Bachmann M, Roth D, Binz H, u. a. Interdisziplinäre Entwicklung einer adaptiven Geschossdecke als leichtes  Tragwerkselement im Bauwesen [Internet]. Universität Stuttgart; 2023. Verfügbar unter:
    9. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, Kreimeyer M. EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF ACTUATOR CHAMBERS OF INTEGRATED FLUIDIC ACTUATORS FOR ADAPTIVE SLABS. In: Gomes JFS, Herausgeber. Proceedings ICEM20 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics [Internet]. INEGI-FEUP; 2023. S. 499–510. (Gomes JFS, Reihenherausgeber. Proceedings ICEM20 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics). Verfügbar unter:
    10. Burghardt T, Honold C, Böhm M, Heidingsfeld J, Bachmann M, Roth D, u. a. Entwicklung von Aktoren für ein adaptives Hochhaustragwerk. Konstruktion [Internet]. Februar 2023;75(1–2):68–74. Verfügbar unter:
    11. Dakova S, Kohl K, Heidingsfeld JL, Sawodny O, Böhm M. Optimal Input Distribution Over Multiple Control Objectives for Adaptive High-Rise Structures. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 2023. S. 3361–6. (2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)).
    12. Dakova S, Zeller A, Reksowardojo AP, Senatore G, Böhm M, Blandini L, u. a. A Model Predictive Control Strategy for Adaptive Railway Bridges. IFAC-PapersOnLine [Internet]. 2023;56(2):7686–7691. Verfügbar unter:
    13. Efinger D, Dazer M. Impact of uncertainties in reliability engineering on the carbon footprint. In: The 11th international conference on life cycle management. 2023. (The 11th international conference on life cycle management).
    14. Efinger D, Dazer M. Impact of uncertanties in reliability engineering on the carbon footprint. In: The 11th international conference on life cycle management. 2023. (The 11th international conference on life cycle management).
    15. Friz F, Zeller A, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Actuator Placement in Adaptive Structures for Static Compensation – Minimizing Displacements Versus Minimizing Actuator Forces. In: 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). IEEE; 2023. S. 1055–60. (2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)).
    16. Gambarelli S, Fararoni N, Shankar A, Dakova S, Böhm M, Sawodny O, u. a. Failure behavior of an adaptive concrete beam with integrated fluidic actuators: non-linear three-dimensional finite element analysis. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2023;
    17. Gambarelli S, Fararoni-Platas ReN, Shankar A, Dakova S, Böhm Mi, Sawodny O, u. a. Failure behavior of an adaptive concrete beam with integrated fluidic actuators : non-linear three-dimensional finite element analysis. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2023;9:1272785.
    18. Krauss LM, Von Scheven M, Bischoff M. COMBINING THE REDUNDANCY CONCEPT AND VIBRATION CONTROL FOR ACTUATOR PLACEMENT IN ADAPTIVE STRUCTURES. In: 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials [Internet]. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras; 2023. S. 723–34. (10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials). Verfügbar unter:
    19. Nitzlader M, Bosch MJ, Binz H, Kreimeyer M, Blandini L. Control objectives for adaptive slabs with integrated fluidic actuators, a comparison of effects. In: Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Annual Symposium 2023 [Internet]. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS); 2023. (Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Annual Symposium 2023; Bd. 2023). Verfügbar unter:
    20. Prokosch T, Stiefelmaier J, Tarın C, Bischoff M. DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF STRUCTURAL FAILURE USING THE REDUNDANCY MATRIX. In: 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials [Internet]. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras; 2023. (10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials). Verfügbar unter:
    21. Rentz A, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Multi-Stage Optimization for Long-Term Building Climate Operation with Seasonal Thermal Storage. In: 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). 2023. S. 1–6. (2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)).
    22. Rentz A, Kühl V, T. VES, Schmidt M, Linder M, Sawodny O, u. a. Modeling and identification of the hydration process in a CaO/Ca(OH) 2 -based heat storage system. at - Automatisierungstechnik [Internet]. 2023;71(8):584--598. Verfügbar unter:
    23. Simon Weber, Sumee Park PL. Simulation und experimentelle Validierung der Schalldämmung adaptiver Membrankissenkonstruktionen im Impedanzrohr. In 2023.
    24. Stein C, Zeller A, Heidingsfeld JL, Böhm M, Tarín C, Sawodny O. Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for a High-Rise Adaptive Structure. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2023. S. 1649–1654. (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Bd. 56). Verfügbar unter:
    25. Stiefelmaier J, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Tarín C. Parity Space-Based Fault Diagnosis in Piecewise Linear Systems. In: IFAC World Congress. 2023. (IFAC World Congress).
    26. Trautwein A, Prokosch T, Bischoff M. A CASE STUDY ON TAILORING STIFFNESS FOR THE DESIGN OF ADAPTIVE RIB-STIFFENED SLABS. In: 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials [Internet]. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras; 2023. (10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials). Verfügbar unter:
    27. Trautwein A, Prokosch T, Senatore G, Blandini L, Bischoff M. Analytical and numerical case studies on tailoring stiffness for the design of structures with displacement control. Frontiers in Build Environment. Mai 2023;1–14.
    28. Vierneisel M, Zeller A, Dakova S, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Eberhard P. PARAMETRIC MODEL ORDER REDUCTION FOR PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF ADAPTIVE HIGH-RISE STRUCTURES. In: 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials [Internet]. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras; 2023. (10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials). Verfügbar unter:
    29. Voigt M, Chwalek K, Roth D, Kreimeyer M, Blandini L. The Integrated Design Process of Adaptive Facades - A Comprehensive Perspective. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023;67.
    30. Voigt M, Roth D, Kreimeyer M. SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF ADAPTIVE FAÇADES – PREPARING A DATABASE. In: Proceedings of the Design Society. 2023. S. 3295–304. (Proceedings of the Design Society; Bd. 3).
    31. Voigt M, Roth D, Kreimeyer M. Decision Support for Defining Adaptive Façade Design Goals in the Early Design Phase. Energies. 2023;16(3411).
    32. Weber S, Fang Y, Park S, Leistner P. Sequentially coupling LBNL-method and Modelica to model and operate adaptive facades with inhomogeneous printing patterns. In 2023.
    33. Weber S, Fang Y, Park S, Leistner P. Analysis and control of cross-domain effects of inhomogeneous pattern on switchable membrane constructions. 2023.
    34. Weber S, Park S, Leistner P. Simulation und experimentelle Validierung der Schalldämmung adaptiver Membrankissenkonstruktionen im Impedanzrohr. In 2023.
    35. Zeller A, Dakova S, Stein C, Böhm M, Senatore G, Reksowardojo AP, u. a. Bridge State and Average Train Axle Mass Estimation for Adaptive Railway Bridges. In: IEEE Xplore® TMECH-01-2023-14914. 2023. (IEEE Xplore® TMECH-01-2023-14914; Bd. 28).
    36. Zeller A, Dakova S, Stein C, Reksowardojo AP, Senatore G, Blandini L, u. a. State Estimation Using Different Disturbance Models for Adaptive Railway Bridges. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2023. S. 5326–5331. (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Bd. 56). Verfügbar unter:
  4. 2022

    1. Blandini L, Haase W, Weidner S, Böhm M, Burghardt T, Roth D, u. a. Der Demonstrator D1244: das weltweit erste adaptive Hochhaus. Bautechnik [Internet]. Januar 2022; Verfügbar unter:
    2. Blandini L, Haase W, Weidner S, Böhm M, Burghardt T, Roth D, u. a. D1244: Design and Construction of the First Adaptive High-Rise Experimental Building. Frontiers in Built Environment. Juni 2022;8.
    3. Borschewski D, Albrecht S, Bischoff M, Blandini L, Bosch M, Dazer M, u. a. Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen. Bautechnik [Internet]. Oktober 2022;99(10):731–45. Verfügbar unter:
    4. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Burghardt T, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, u. a. Design of integrated fluidic actuators for muti-axial loaded structural elements. In: 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. CIMNE; 2022. (8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering). Verfügbar unter:
    5. Bosch MJ, Nitzlader M, Burghardt T, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, u. a. Effective range of integrated fluidic actuators in structural elements. In: 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII) [Internet]. CIMNE; 2022. (15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII)). Verfügbar unter:
    6. Burghardt T, Kelleter C, Bosch M, Nitzlader M, Bachmann M, Binz H, u. a. Investigation of a large-scale adaptive concrete beam with integrated fluidic actuators. Civil Engineering Design. 2022;
    7. Dakova S, Heidingsfeld JL, Böhm M, Sawodny O. An Optimal Control Strategy to Distribute Element Wear for Adaptive High-Rise Structures. In: 2022 American Control Conference (ACC). 2022. S. 4614–9. (2022 American Control Conference (ACC)).
    8. Efinger D, Ostertag A, Dazer M, Borschewski D, Albrecht S, Bertsche B. Reliability as a Key Driver for a Sustainable Design of Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. Sustainability [Internet]. Januar 2022;(14(2)). Verfügbar unter:
    9. Eisenbarth C, Haase W, Blandini L, Sobek W. Potentials of hydroactive lightweight façades for urban climate resilience. Civil Engineering Design [Internet]. Juni 2022;4(1–3):14–24. Verfügbar unter:
    10. Greiner A, Böckmann O, Weber S, Ostermann M, Schaefer M. CoolSkin: A Novel Façade Design for Sustainable Solar Cooling by Adsorption. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering [Internet]. Dezember 2022;10(2):39–56. Verfügbar unter:
    11. Greiner A, Böckmann O, Weber S, Ostermann M, Schaefer M. CoolSkin. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering [Internet]. Dezember 2022;10(2):39--56. Verfügbar unter:
    12. Guerra F, Wilhelm P, Haist T. Holographic Wide-Angle System for Deformation Measurement of Extended Structures. Optics [Internet]. 2022;3(1):79–87. Verfügbar unter:
    13. Jeong MY, Matheou M, Blandini L. Materials Ecology 2 - Optimization of daylighting performance and solar heat gain through adaptive kinetic envelopes. In Mitra Kanaani (Ed.), Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking: Healthful Ecotopian Visions for Architecture and Urbanism (1st ed.). Routledge. erste. Routledge; 2022.
    14. Kreimeyer M, Bosch M, Sawodny O. Aktorik im Systemverbund. Magazin des Stuttgarter Maschinenbaus. Juli 2022;7:50–3.
    15. Nguyen L, Schwinn T, Groenewolt A, Maierhofer M, Zorn MB, Stieler D, u. a. ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework [Internet]. DaRUS; 2022. Verfügbar unter:
    16. Nitzlader M, Bosch M, Binz H, Kreimeyer M, Blandini L. Actuation of concrete slabs under bending with integrated fluidic actuators. In 2022.
    17. Nitzlader M, Steffen S, Bosch MJ, Binz H, Kreimeyer M, Blandini L. Designing Actuation Concepts for Adaptive Slabs with Integrated Fluidic Actuators Using Influence Matrices. CivilEng [Internet]. 2022;3(3):809--831. Verfügbar unter:
    18. Phocas MC, Matheou M, Haase W. Transformable building structures in architectural engineering  education. Architecture, Structures and Construction. Februar 2022;
    19. Rentz A, Oei M, Eisenbarth C, Haase W, Böhm M, Blandini L, u. a. A Hydroactive Facade for Rainwater Harvesting and Evaporative Cooling: Dynamic Modeling and Simplification for Application in Optimization-based Long-term Building Operation Strategy. In: 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). 2022. S. 418–24. (2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)).
    20. Shad A, Sahin ES, Malafey A, Bechert S, Maierhofer M, Knippers J, u. a. Assembly-Oriented Design Methodology for Segmented Timber Shells. In: Xue S duo, Wu J zhi, Sun G jun, Herausgeber. Innovation, Sustainability, Legacy: Proceedings of the IASS 2022 Symposium affiliated with APCS 2022 conference. 2022. S. 1526–37. (Xue S duo, Wu J zhi, Sun G jun, Reihenherausgeber. Innovation, Sustainability, Legacy: Proceedings of the IASS 2022 Symposium affiliated with APCS 2022 conference).
    21. Simon H, Boguslawski M, Tobias H, Stephan R. Holographical image based vibrometry with monochromatic and event based cameras. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE. 2022;12137(1213702–1).
    22. Simon H, Christian S, Tobias H, Stephan R. Bildbasierte Abstandsrekonstruktion mittels holographisch vervielfältigter Doppel-Helix-PSF. In 2022. S. 193–220.
    23. Simon H, Christian S, Tobias H, Stephan R. Accurate single image depth detection using multiple rotating point spread functions. Optics Express. Juni 2022;30(13):23035–49.
    24. Steffen S, Blandini L, Sobek W. Analysis of the inherent adaptability of basic truss and frame modules by  means of an extended method of influence matrices. Engineering Structures. September 2022;266(114588):1–8.
    25. Steffen S, Zeller A, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Blandini L. Actuation concepts for adaptive high-rise structures subjected to static  wind loading. Enginieering Structures. September 2022;267(114670):1–12.
    26. Stiefelmaier J, Gienger A, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Tarín C. A Bayesian Approach to Fault Diagnosability Analysis in Adaptive Structures. In: IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems. IFAC; 2022. (IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems).
    27. Stieler D, Schwinn T, Leder S, Maiferhofer M, Kannenberg F, Menges A. Agent-based modeling and simulation in architecture. Automation in contraction. September 2022;141(104426):1–21.
    28. Ulber M, Mahall M, Serbest A. Architectural Adaptation as Praxis. SPOOL [Internet]. Juli 2022;9(1):41--56. Verfügbar unter:
    29. Voigt MP, Roth D, Kreimeyer M. Main Characteristics of Adaptive Façades. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Design Conference - Design 2022 [Internet]. 2022; Verfügbar unter:
    30. Weber S, Böckmann O, Greiner A, Park S, Schäfer M, Ostermann M, u. a. Optimal operation and conceptual design of a novel façade-integrated adsorption cooling system. In 2022.
    31. Weber S, Oei M, Linder M, Böhm M, Leistner P, Sawodny O. Model predictive approaches for cost-efficient building climate control with seasonal energy storage. Energy & Buildings. Juli 2022;270(112285).
    32. Weber SO, Böckmann O, Greiner A, Park S, Schäfer M. Optimal Conceptual Design of a Novel Façade-Integrated Adsorption Cooling System. In: Proceedings of EuroSun 2022 - ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry [Internet]. International Solar Energy Society; 2022. (Proceedings of EuroSun 2022 - ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry). Verfügbar unter:
    33. Weber SO, Oie M, Linder M, Böhm M, Leistner P, Sawodny O. Model predictive approaches for cost-efficient building climate control with seasonal energy storage. Energy & Buildings. September 2022;270.
    34. Zeller A, Böhm M, Sawodny O. A Genetic and a Greedy-Genetic Algorithm for Steady-State Disturbance Compensability Actuator Placement for Adaptive Structures. In 2022.
  5. 2021

    1. Binz H, Kreimeyer M, Roth D, Voigt M, Bosch M, Burghardt T. Weltweit erstes adaptives Hochhaus mit adaptivem Tragwerk und adaptiven Fassaden. Newsletter Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung WiGeP [Internet]. November 2021;5–7. Verfügbar unter:
    2. Burghardt T, Honold C, Bachmann M, Roth D, Binz H, Böhm M, u. a. Anforderungsermittlung für adaptive Stützen und Aussteifungselemente in Tragkonstruktionen. Konstruktion [Internet]. 2021;73(10):64--70. Verfügbar unter:
    3. Burghardt T, Kelleter C, Bosch M, Bachmann M, Binz H, Blandini L, u. a. Adaptive Beams with Integrated Thermal Actuator. Proceedings of the Actuator21 conference. VDE; 2021. (Proceedings of the Actuator21 conference).
    4. D’Ambrosio A, Matheou M, Montuori R, Nastri E. Adaptive bending-active modules for a tensile solar shading system. In 2021.
    5. Dakova S, Wagner JL, Gienger A, Tarín C, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Reconfiguration Strategy for Fault-Tolerant Control of High-Rise Adaptive Structures. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2021;6(4):6813--6819.
    6. Dazer M, Ostertag A, Herzig T, Borschewski D, Albrecht S, Bertsche B. Consideration of reliability and sustainability in mechanical and civil engineering design to reduce oversizing without risking disasters. In 2021.
    7. Eisenbarth C, Haase W, Klett Y, Blandini L, Sobek W. PAOSS Pneumatically Actuated Origami Sun Shading. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering [Internet]. 2021;Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue Powerskin 2021. Verfügbar unter:
    8. Gade J, Tkachuk A, von Scheven M, Bischoff M. A continuum-mechanical theory of redundancy in elastostatic structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2021;226–227.
    9. Kleine T, Wagner JL, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Optimal actuator placement and static load compensation for a class of distributed parameter systems. at-Automatisierungstechnik. 2021;69(9):739--749.
    10. Konatzii P, Matheou M, Christoforou EG, Phocas MC. Versatile Reconfiguration Approach Applied to Articulated Linkage Structures. American Society of Civil Engineers. April 2021;27(04).
    11. Müller T, Borschewski D, Albrecht S, Leistner P, Späh M. The dilemma of balancing design for impact sound with environmental performance in wood ceiling systems—a building physics perspective. Sustainability. 2021;13(16).
    13. Phocas MC, Matheou M. Revisiting Transformable Structures in Architecture. In 2021.
    14. Sobek W, Sawodny O, Bischoff M, Blandini L, Böhm M, Haase W, u. a. Adaptive Hüllen und Strukturen. Bautechnik [Internet]. Februar 2021;98(3):208--221. Verfügbar unter:
    15. Steffen S, Nitzlader M, Burghardt T, Binz H, Blandini L, Sobek W. An Actuator Concept for Adaptive Concrete Columns. Oktober 2021;10(10):273. Verfügbar unter:
    16. Stiefelmaier J, Gienger A, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Tarín C. Sensor Placement for Qualitative Fault Diagnosability in Large-Scale Adaptive Structures. In: IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering. 2021. (IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering).
    17. Ulber M, Mahall M, Serbest A. Environments. Actions of Adaptation in Architecture. Loci Communes 2021. 2021;1(1):1–17.
    18. Vercerdi M, Matheou M, Bauer P. Performance-driven design of an adaptive sun-tracking building skin. In 2021.
    19. Voigt M, Roth D, Binz H. Challenges with adaptive facades - a life cycle perspective. In: 16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo [Internet]. 2021. S. 459–68. (16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo; Bd. 16). Verfügbar unter:
    20. Voigt MP, Idrizi S, Roth D, Binz H. Unterstützung bei der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit – Personenneutrale Wissenslandkarten. In: Binz H, Bertsche B, Spath D, Roth D, Herausgeber. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021 [Internet]. Stuttgart : Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO; 2021. (Binz H, Bertsche B, Spath D, Roth D, Reihenherausgeber. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021). Verfügbar unter:
    21. Łochnicki G, Kubail Kalousdian N, Leder S, Maierhofer M, Wood D, Menges A. Co-Designing Material-Robot Construction Behaviors: Teaching distributed robotic systems to leverage active bending for light-touch assembly of bamboo bundle structures. In: Farahi B, Bogosian B, Scott J, García del Castillo y López JL, Dörfler K, Grant JA, u. a., Herausgeber. Realignments: Toward Critical Computation - ACADIA 2021. 2021. (Farahi B, Bogosian B, Scott J, García del Castillo y López JL, Dörfler K, Grant JA, u. a., Reihenherausgeber. Realignments: Toward Critical Computation - ACADIA 2021).
  6. 2020

    1. Böhm M, Steffen S, Gade J, Geiger F, Sobek W, Bischoff M, u. a. Modellierung aktiver Strukturelemente als Erweiterung zum klassischen Workflow der FE-Analyse. In: Manfred Bischoff, Malte von Scheven, Bastian Oesterle (Hrsg) Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 14, 23 und 24 März 2020, Universität Stuttgart. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart; 2020. (Manfred Bischoff, Malte von Scheven, Bastian Oesterle (Hrsg.) Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 14, 23. und 24. März 2020, Universität Stuttgart).
    2. Böhm M, Wagner J, Steffen S, Gade J, Geiger F, Sobek W, u. a. Input modeling for active structural elements – extending the established FE-Workflow for modeling of adaptive structures. In: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). 2020. S. 1595--1600. (IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)).
    3. Geiger F, Gade J, von Scheven M, Bischoff M. A Case Study on Design and Optimization of Adaptive Civil Structures. Frontiers in Built Environment [Internet]. Juli 2020;6. Verfügbar unter:
    4. Geiger F, Gade J, von Scheven M, Bischoff M. Optimal Design of Adaptive Structures vs. Optimal Adaption of Structural Design. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. IFAC World Congress 2020, 11.-17.07.2020, Berlin, Germany; 2020. S. 8363--8369. (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Bd. 53).
    5. Geiger F, Gade J, von Scheven M, Bischoff M. Anwendung der Redundanzmatrix bei der Bewertung adaptiver Strukturen. In: Manfred Bischoff, Malte von Scheven, Bastian Oesterle (Hrsg) Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 14, 23 und 24 März 2020, Universität Stuttgart. 2020. S. 119–28. (Manfred Bischoff, Malte von Scheven, Bastian Oesterle (Hrsg.) Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 14, 23. und 24. März 2020, Universität Stuttgart).
    6. Gienger A, Ostertag A, Böhm M, Bertsche B, Sawodny O, Tarín C. Data-Based Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures using Convolutional Neural Networks. Unmanned Systems. 2020;
    7. Gienger A, Wagner J, Böhm M, Sawodny O, Tarín C. Robust Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures With Unknown Stochastic Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2020;
    8. Gienger A, Schaut S, Sawodny O, Tarín C. Modular Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures using Local Models. In: Proc of the IFAC World Congress. 2020. (Proc. of the IFAC World Congress).
    9. Kelleter C, Burghardt T, Binz H, Blandini L, Sobek W. Adaptive concrete beams equipped with integrated fluidic actuators. Frontiers in Built Environment [Internet]. Juli 2020;6. Verfügbar unter:
    10. Leistner S, Honold C, Maierhofer M, Haase W, Blandini L, Sobek W, u. a. Research on integral design and planning processes for adaptive buildings. Architectural Engineering and Design Management [Internet]. 2020;0(0):1–20. Verfügbar unter: /brokenurl#
    11. Maierhofer M, Ulber M, Mahall M, Serbest A, Menges A. Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age Designing (for) Change Towards adaptivity-specific architectural design for situational open Environments. In eCAADe 38; 2020. S. 575–84.
    12. Matheou M, Kallioras NA, Lagaros ND, Phocas MC. Automated Optimal Motion Sequence of a 9-Bar Linkage. Frontiers in Built Environment. August 2020;6:132.
    13. Ostertag A, Dazer M, Bertsche B, Schlegl F, Albrecht S, Leistner P, u. a. Reliable design of adaptive load-bearing structures with focus on sustainability. In 2020.
    14. Ulber M, Mahall M, Serbest A. Types and Roles of Models in Adaptive Architecture. Arts and Design Studies [Internet]. 2020;(82):24–35. Verfügbar unter:
    15. Wagner JL, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Decentralized structural control using Craig-Bampton reduction and local controller design. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE; 2020. S. 41--46. (2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)).
    16. Wagner JL, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Decentralized control design for adaptive structures with tension-only elements. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2020;53(2):8370--8376.
    17. Wagner JL, Gienger A, Stein C, Arnold P, Tarín C, Sawodny O, u. a. Optimal Static Load Compensation with Fault Tolerance in Nonlinear Adaptive Structures under Input and State Constraints. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2020;6:93.
  7. 2019

    1. Böhm M, Wagner J, Steffen S, Sobek W, Sawodny O. Homogenizability of element utilization in adaptive structures. In: 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE; 2019. S. 1263--1268. (2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)).
    2. Fröhlich B, Gade J, Geiger F, Bischoff M, Eberhard P. Geometric element parameterization and parametric model order reduction in finite element based shape optimization. Computational Mechanics. 2019;63:853–68.
    3. Harder N, Schlegl F, Flemming D, Di Bari R, Albrecht S, Leistner P, u. a. Bauphysikalische und ökologische Bewertung  adaptiver Fassadenkonstruktionen auf Raumebene. Bauphysik. 2019;41(6):302–13.
    4. Horn R, Albrecht S, Haase W, Langer M, Schmeer D, Sobek W, u. a. Bio-inspiration as a Concept for Sustainable Constructions Illustrated on Graded Concrete. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 2019;16(4):742–53.
    5. Kelleter C, Burghardt T, Binz H, Sobek W. Simulation and experimental testing of concrete beams with integrated fluidic actuators. In: Form and Force, IASS Symposium, October 7-10, 2019, Barcelona. 2019. (Form and Force, IASS Symposium, October 7-10, 2019, Barcelona).
    6. Kelleter C, Sobek W, Burghardt T, Binz H. Actuation of structural concrete elements under bending stress with integrated fluidic actuators. In: 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC), September 2-4, 2019, Cape Town. 2019. (7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC), September 2-4, 2019, Cape Town).
    7. Maierhofer M, Menges A. Towards integrative design processes and computational design tools  for the design space exploration of adaptive architectural structures. In: International Conference on Emerging Technologies In Architectural Design (ICETAD2019). 2019. (International Conference on Emerging Technologies In Architectural Design (ICETAD2019)).
    8. Maierhofer M, Soana V, Yablonina M, Suzuki Erazo S, Körner A, Knippers J, u. a. Self-Choreographing Network: Towards cyber-physical design and operation processes of adaptive and interactive bending-active systems. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). 2019. S. 654–63. (Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)).
    9. Schlegl F, Gantner J, Traunspurger R, Albrecht S, Leistner P. LCA of buildings in Germany: Proposal for a future benchmark based on existing databases. Energy and Buildings. 2019;194:342–50.
    10. Schlegl F, Hohnold C, Leistner S, Albrecht S, Roth D, Haase W, u. a. Integration of LCA in the planning phases of adaptive buildings. Sustainability. 2019;11(16).
    11. Wagner JL, Schmidt K, Böhm M, Sawodny O. Optimal actuator placement and static load compensation for euler-bernoulli beams with spatially distributed inputs. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2019;52(15):489--494.
    12. Walker N, Eberhard P. Model Order Reduction of a Modular Scale Model of a High Rise Building. 2019;
    13. Weidner S, Steffen S, Haase W, Sobek W, Honold C, Burghardt T, u. a. The integration of actuation concepts and adaptive elements into an experimental high-rise building. In: 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC), September 2-4, 2019, Cape Town. 2019. S. 1022–6. (7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC), September 2-4, 2019, Cape Town).
    14. Weidner S, Steffen S, Sobek W. The integration of adaptive elements into high-rise structures. International Journal of High-Rise Buildings. 2019;8(2):95--100.
  8. 2018

    1. Fröhlich B, Geiger F, Gade J, Bischoff M, Eberhard P. Model order reduction of coupled, parameterized elastic bodies for shape optimization. In: IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, May 22–25, 2018, Stuttgart. 2018. S. 151--163. (IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, May 22–25, 2018, Stuttgart).
    2. Gade J, Kemmler R, Drass M, Schneider J. Enhancement of a meso-scale material model for nonlinear elastic finite element computations of plain-woven fabric membrane structures. Engineering Structures. 2018;177:668–81.
    3. Harder N, Schlegl F, Albrecht S, Park S, Leistner P. Bauphysikalische und ökologische Potenziale von adaptiven Leichtbaukonstruktionen. Bauphysik. 2018;40(5):307–18.
    4. Kelleter C, Burghardt T, Binz H, Sobek W. Actuation concepts for structural concrete elements under bending stress. In: 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), June 11-15, 2018, Glasgow, UK. 2018. (6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), June 11-15, 2018, Glasgow, UK).
    5. Wagner JL, Gade J, Heidingsfeld M, Geiger F, von Scheven M, Böhm M, u. a. On steady-state disturbance compensability for actuator placement in adaptive structures. at – Automatisierungstechnik. 2018;66:591–603.
    6. Weidner S, Kelleter C, Sternberg P, Haase W, Geiger F, Burghardt T, u. a. The Implementation Of Adaptive Elements Into An Experimental High-Rise Building. Steel Construction 11 (2018), No 2 Berlin: Ernst Und Sohn Verlag [Internet]. 2018;109--117. Verfügbar unter:
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